Staked Builders Count
Total Staked
Distributed Rewards
Unclaimed Rewards
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Morpheus Builders
Selected Address:
One MORLORD to rule them all.
Total Unclaimed
Total Balance
Capital Stake
Code Weights
One MORLORD to rule them all.
Arbitrum MOR Balance
Base MOR Balance
Ethereum MOR Balance
Transfer MOR Between Chains
Total Contributors
Active Contributors
API Information
This is the API for MorLord. Below are the available endpoints:
- /api/supply/circulating - Returns JSON data of the circulating supply.
- /api/supply/circulating/text - Returns the circulating supply as plain text.
- /api/supply/total - Returns JSON data of the total supply.
- /api/supply/total/text - Returns the total supply as plain text.
- /api/pools - Returns JSON data of all pool information.
- /api/pools/data - Returns JSON list of pool data.